Training,Teaching,Gaming,Medical: training and teaching people to do certain tasks or learn will be easier, because they can afford to learn from critical mistakes.(ex military, college, showing how to do surgery ect.) Medical learning can be increased by using the virtual world as a learning environment for research and development. Gaming will be taken to a point as if you were the character in the game, where you will experience a 1st person mode in panoramic view as we see in real life.
Enhance Social Skills and Communication: You can go into the virtual world and speak clearer because your thoughts only move at 1 pace whereas compared to real life where it comes out differently for everyone individually.
For Medical - an entire database on the entire human brain
Read and Convert thoughts: You can read the brainwaves as frequencies and translate them as thoughts. After they have been converted they go to the computer, and are collected as a database we are no longer using Z-scores, but an actual entire database exclusive for the brain.
Allow for everyone to see you in an actual body and face to face interaction while in the server.
Hits big resolution: has the capabilities to hit the limits of our eye's resolution. this makes any graphics resolution possible that we can handle
Low Software Requirements: Can run any Operating System that can support USB with different OS options. (Ex. Linux, Microsoft, Apple, Steam OS)
Very Low System Requirements: Requires only a pc that can run and install the driver. all worlds that have been created will be
Freedom to Create Infinite Possibilities and More: Just as it says. It means you are only limited to your own imagination
There are limitless things out there you can achieve in this headset. so help link start your to reality today